Saturday, 21 May 2011

The scandolous biblical interpretation and archaeology,a clash of the know.

Nearly everyone who read news on this planet heard about the "crazy" calls by one of the revered apocalyptic cult leaders in the world,
Harald camping at the close of his campaign had quiet a number of followers,almost in every country thanks to a hard fought media campaign which from what i heard costed millions,evnthough critics of the figure and his associate claim he wanted to make profit from his followers,whatever the  motive is i am not in a position to make my opinion known let alone i be aacused of judging.."Mortal man who are you to enter unto the affairs of God"?,Lucifer tried it in heaven which is the reason why he was cast down to earth,the bible stress on the point that not even Jesus Himself knows the hour of his coming.As im writting this blog the local time is 00:38 meaning it is sunday morning-a day according to Camping and his Camp was not meant to be,an embarassment and a great disapointment to millions of his follower indeed i hope a great lesson will be learned from the failed rapture and a serious scripture search chapter by chapter will be the way into the future.

Never the less there is something to be learned in this disapointment,on how we calculate! in how we come up with dates and the evidence we use for interpretation,as archaeologist dating is one of the most important tasks when encountered with uncertainity about the date of a particular artefact/finding,sceince has made advancement in this aspect and our life easier,whereas methods  such as carbon dating has surfaced,nevertheless this does not give the actual year or time a particular artefact was made but gives an aproximation,As archaeologist the Camping discampment should be a reminder on  how we should be watchfull when approximating the dateof  an archaeological finding/site.Namibia being one of the countries in the world with the oldest archaeological sites some dating to millions of years back to Jurassic time,and down  to the european contact period,as a result we are faced with this dillemma wheares relative/scientific dating methods are the only means.

Until next time from the scandalous archaeologist have a great day everyone.Watchout for my next blog in few days.

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